Story of the Day

[Eye Line Here]
There are Giant Sequoia here in Portland. They are mostly scattered about the city singly but are occasionally found in lines or clumps that have been planted for effect. I don't think any are much more than 100 years old but the oldest are already majestic, soaring over their surroundings. Some of the city parks have sequoia of many varied ages that were placed there ornamentally like so many other trees in this city. We have some of the remaining natural Douglas-fir, some Western Hemlock, a few left-over Black Cottonwood, and some Big Leaf Maple. Over the years several varieties of Cedar and Pine and Spruce have been put in place to augment our natural supply trees. Imagine, though what would be necessary for the sequoia and douglas-fir to naturally propagate. There would need to be fires to help them get properly started. Then the city along with the giant trees would go to seed. One can't imagine what the area will be like when a douglas-fir reaches full growth at 6 or 7 hundred years let a lone what will be here when the sequoia reach a full span of 3 thousand years.

The Super Bowl is Sunday. I'll probably watch it until it becomes too boring. Perhaps this year the AFC will actually provide some competition. we'll see soon enough. I haven't seen any of the hype though. I can't say I've missed any.

January 25, 1996

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Jack Jackson ( )